Thursday, 19 April 2012

How to: Destroy the Earth; a comprehensive guide (with lots of pictures)

Why would someone ever want to do something like that? Well considering you're reading this article I'm sure you have a pretty good idea. If not, consider this list of hastily put together reasons: Why not?; Because it's there; For science!; To build a new intergalactic highway; To make a point (mad scientists will love this one); etc.
But destroying the Earth wouldn't be as easy as you might think. Sure, wiping out life is relatively easy, but not nearly as dramatic and visually pleasing as destroying the planet itself. Note however, that these methods do not guarantee the extinction of humankind, as the bastards are tricky and resourceful. Nor is this a guide for those wanting to annihilate everything from single-celled life upwards, render Earth uninhabitable or simply conquer it.

And before you say nukes, I'd like to make it really clear we don't have enough of them to completely destroy the earth. We might be able to dent it...maybe

No, they do not colour-code the mushroom clouds by country

Monday, 16 April 2012

Proper how to guide to charts and fonts

Many times I've walked into a room with a presentation going on and found a nice chart being shown. Well as nice as it was, 8 out of 10 times the style of the chart had no connection to the information being displayed. This leads to confusion and less understanding of said presentation.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Coke facts

While i was sitting at my desk, thinking about what the next post should be and drinking a nice, cool can of Coke, the idea hit me: some "facts" about my favourite drink along with some nice infographics about the company and brand itself.
I hope you're enjoying a cold one while reading this

Fact #1: Coca-Cola was first made in the colour green!

Friday, 13 April 2012

How to tie a tie

This has got to be one of the most essential information for any man wanting to look professional. So here it is:
Easy huh?

Cheat Sheet via Coke bottle

You have exams coming up; we all do. So here's a neat little trick to save your ass in case you're a lazy bastard who doesn't study. Like me.

*You can replace the coke with your favourite soft drink

Saturday, 7 April 2012

How internet piracy works

This being the first post on this new blog, I won't go into a discussion about the picture posted as it is more of a test than anything else. Still, information is information and all information is good.
And no, there will be no ethics discussions on this topic yet.

The red colouring really makes this seem friendly and not illegal at all